Somehow I ended up at this blog. If you've never heard of the Neilson family... you MUST go read about them. Something that really touched me was when one of her sisters wrote in her blog:
We have been told that Steph will likely look much different after her healing. That prospect is difficult for me to fully accept. It brings up so many questions I can only solve in due time. But something in my depths knows that it will be beautiful. She will be beautiful because she is ...
I am left to wonder, what sacrifice would you go through personally to personally affect thousands of lives? Your beauty?
This kind of topic always makes me stop and think. So much of what is focused on and done seems to be about outward appearances. For me anyway. I hope I am not the type of person that this young beautiful mother would worry about how I view her. She has enough on her plate at the moment. 3rd degree burns on 80% of her body. 4 children under the age of 6. A husband in critical condition too. In her chemically-induced coma is she aware enough to worry about her babies? Her life? Her beauty? Her younger children may never remember what she looked like before... Her strength and determination inspire me, to go on when it seems difficult and to push forward when I'm discouraged.
Please pray for this family and the ones taking care of her precious, young children.
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