Growing Up...
So now we have pierced ears. All of the girls in our family. Catherine decided she wanted to look like Mommy and big sisters Caroline and Kennedy (at dad's house). Yesterday, I took her to the mall and she picked out her favorite earrings, little pink stones shaped in a circle. Of course, I wanted the diamonds, but this girl has a mind of her own. The "marking" process took quite a while to do, evidently Catherine's ears are not exactly the same. Not the same at all, according to the piercer girl. She kept marking, stepping back and looking, shaking her head, and wiping the mark off and remarking.
Five years I've lived with this little girl and I never knew she had such a flaw. (That was a joke). ANYWAY, we wanted 2 piercer girls to use their magic guns at the same time so we wouldn't go home with only 1 ear pierced if she changed her mind halfway through. For those that don't know Catherine, this would have been a real possibility! So, guns in hand...
Catherine still smiling and Mom holding her hands and terrified... kaChink~!~ All done! She made a tiny little face for a nanosecond but was so excited that she hadn't screamed (she had warned me she would) or cried she was just ALL SMILES! So cute! I'm SO proud of her!
I had no idea my hair looked like a lion's mane or something from the back... will have to do something about that when I can sit in a salon chair for a couple of hours =/
Thanks also to Tyler and Alisha who accompanied us on this monumental trip.
We then followed things up with visiting LibbyLu's to sign Catherine up for her 5th birthday party for next weekend. We also signed her up for the VIP (Very Important Princess) club.The music was so loud in there, I think my heart actually started beating to that beat. Fun place, *note to self~~> put Tylenol in purse for next weekend*
Well, was able to find some Bazzill Papers I need to continue working on Tyler's scrapbook... and some of the other layouts I have been wanting to do for the other kids (sorry Tyler). I hope to get them completed this weekend maybe.
Still very sore, can't even explain what it still feels like, but let's just say: riding in my minivan for all our errands and sitting to read books to the kids on their floor is NOT comfortable. It will be 4 weeks tomorrow so I don't know what is going on exactly but I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow. I know I'm optimistic but I really thought I'd be all better in 3-4 weeks max! No wonder they told me I couldn't work for 8 weeks, but I didn't want to hurt this entire time &%#(%^&!!! I mean, I have got places to go and things to see and projects to complete. *sigh*
Anyway, thanks EVERYONE for all your support and encouragement and prayers. God does work in His own timing...
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