The Skateboard Wins
So, today turned out to be a little more exciting that I had planned. Sam decided he WAS old enough to skateboard on Zac's board, but realized very quickly that he might not have been. Evidently, he was standing on it trying to do some kind of "kick" and the board "kicked" him right smack dab in the chin.
Well, lots of blood and tears later, we went to the pediatrician and Dr. Myers fixed him right up. She had to cut off a little of the fat hanging out of his wound (I almost fainted!) and then applied DermaBond (glue) to his cut.

He did very well, only a little crying while she was manipulating his wound but didn't squirm or kick. Good as new... but the bad news is we can't go to the pool for several days (4?). So boo! Man, just when you think things can't get any worse. I'm very thankful he is OK and it's not bothering him at all. He walked in the house, went over to the blessed skateboard and said, "I'm not too little for this". Catherine promptly screamed at him and told him just what she thought of that!
So today we'll:
- cut our chin
- go to the pediatrician for DermaBond
- McDonald's for Happy Meal as a treat
- try to get back on the skateboard
- story time then naps
- make brownies
- make a craft (lots of stuff to choose from out of the craft closet)
- play outside in the sandbox (great distraction technique)
- watch a movie on DVD (give Mom time to regroup)
- play with Madison (and Alisha) when they come over after dinner
- quick shower for Sam, trying to avoid his Boo Boo and bath for Catherine
- lots of books in bed (Mom does this when she's feeling guilty)
- bedtime 8pm.
Hello this matter is very nice.
poor sam!
give him a kiss from me.
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